About the designerJackie Cohen had a successful career on Wall Street that ultimately left her unfulfilled and burnt out. At age 35, she decided to make a change and quit her job to travel the world for a year before coming home to join her family’s jewelry business. At 40 Jackie was single, had a successful career, but still yearned for a family. She embarked on a two year long journey, and spent thousands of dollars on IVF in an attempt to get pregnant without any success. Jackie took the alternative route and applied to be an adoptive mother. In a miracle story, her and her daughter Julia were connected in just eight days and Jackie was even there for the birth! Her incredible journey inspired her to create a small, simple baguette ring in citrine, Julia’s birthstone, to symbolize her coming into motherhood. Little did she know that this was the beginning of something much greater. The ring caught the attention of her friends and jewelry clients alike, each equally enraptured by its unique craftsmanship as well as the tale of how it came to be. She found that when she shared her story, others then shared their personal stories about loved ones. A few special order later, and MY STORY was born.
During her very little spare time, as a full time momtreprenuer, Jackie devotes herself to helping others through her work with a HelpUsAdopt.org, A portion of sales from MY STORY, goes to the charity, an organization committed to providing financial support to families who have a desire to adopt.